Friday 13 July 2018

Bluetooth Module

What is Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is a wireless technology used to transfer data between different electronic devices. The distance of data transmission is small in comparison to other modes of wireless communication.This technology eradicates the use of cords, cables, adapters and permits the electronic devices to communicate wirelessly among each other. 
Bluetooth is a standard used in links of radio of short scope, destined to replace wired connections between electronic devices like cellular telephones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), computers, and many other devices. Bluetooth technology can be used at home, in the office, in the car, etc. This technology allows to the users instantaneous connections of voice and information between several devices in real time. The way of transmission used assures protection against interferences and safety in the sending of information.  Between the principal characteristics, must be named the hardiness, low complexity, low consume and low cost. The Bluetooth is a small microchip that operates in a band of available frequency throughout the world. Communications can realize point to point and point multipoint.
The key features of Bluetooth technology:
·         Less complication
·         Less power consumption
·         Available at cheaper rates
·         Robustness
Bluetooth technology permits hands free headset for incoming voice calls, ability of printing and fax, and automatic synchronization of PDA. Click to now more about basics of Bluetooth Protocol.
In the year 1.994, the company of telecommunications ERICSSON, began a study to investigate the viability of a radio low cost interface between mobile telephones and the accessories. The objective was to eliminate the cables between the mobile telephones and cards of PCs, headsets, desktop devices, etc. At the beginning of 1997, Ericsson comes closer other manufacturers of portable devices to increase the interest in this technology. The motive was simple: in order that the system was successful and really usable, a critical quantity of portable devices should use the same technology.In February, 1998, five companies, Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Toshiba and Intel,
founded a Group of Special Interest (SIG). This group contains the perfect mixture in the business area: two leaders of the market in mobile telephony, two leaders of the market in computers laptop and a leader of the market in technology of processing of digital signs. The goal was to establish the creation of a global specification for connectivity without wires of short scope. 20 and 21 of May, 1998, Bluetooth's consortium was announced to the general public of London (England), San Jose (California) and Tokyo (Japan). That global announcement provokes the adoption of the technology for several companies. The intention of the consortium was to establish a standard device and software that controls it. Before going into technical details it would be interesting to give an explanation about the origin of the name and the symbol of Bluetooth. Everybody has a mobile with Bluetooth and it´s symbol, but few people know the reason of them.
Frequency Bands
 The standard Bluetooth operates in the band of 2,4 GHz. Though worldwide,this band is available, the width of the band can differ in different countries. This is the frequency of band of the scientific and medical industries 2.45 GHz (ISM*). The ranges of the bandwidth in The United States and Europe are between 2.400 to 2.483,5 MHz and it covers part of France and Spain. The ranges of the bandwidth in Japan are between 2.471 to 2.497 MHz.  So the system can be used worldwide due to that the transmitters of radio covers 2.400 and 2.500 MHz and it is possible to select the appropriate frequency. This ISM(Industrial,Scientific and Medical) is opened for any system of radio and must take care of the interferences of monitors for baby, the controls for doors of garages, the wireless telephones and the microwave ovens (the source with higher interference).
Different applications can operate under different sets of protocols; nevertheless,
all of them have a link of information and a physical cap common Bluetooth. The figure below shows the set of protocols:

Various types of Bluetooth technology are available in the markets which help the consumers to communicate wirelessly. The different types of Bluetooth devices are PC cards, radios, dongles, and headsets. Laptops and other Internet enabled equipments use Bluetooth technology such as wireless mouse and keyboard to communicate wirelessly. Music players like iPods, music phones, or other MP3 players make use of stereo headphones.
The first and foremost application of Bluetooth technology would be to eradicate the tangling of cables that would mess up the room.
1.      Bluetooth’s biggest contribution is to provide a phone with a headset that works wirelessly. This is possible by providing the caller with an earpiece and a small microphone attached to the caller’s shirt. The mobile phone can be located in a bag or anywhere in the body. The caller can dial a number even without touching a button on the mobile phone. This technology has the advantage of eliminating the radiation hitting the cerebral region.

2.      PDA, PC or laptop which has enabled Bluetooth can communicate with each other and update with its latest information. This technology has helped in synchronizing the data easily.
3.      It is difficult to send emails while travelling in a flight. On landing of the flight, the Bluetooth enabled laptop can send the email only when it gets in touch with the user’s phone.
4.      Wireless mouse and keyboards are introduced.
5.      One will be alerted on his/her mobile phone when your laptop receives the mail.
6.   You can try to locate a printer via laptop. You will get the printout of that document once that printer is located.

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