Friday 13 July 2018


Changes in Compass Technologies
This chapter discusses the major types of compasses availabltthnavigatortheioperatinprinciples, their capabilities, and limitations of their use. As with other aspects of navigation, technology is rapidly revolutionizing the field of compasses. Amazingly, after at least a millennia of constant use, it is now possible (however advisable it may or may not be aboard any given vessel) to dispense with the traditional magnetic compass.
For much of maritime history the only heading reference for navigators has been the magnetic compass. A great deal of effort and expense has gone into understanding the magnetic compass scientifically and making it as accurate as possible through elaborate compensation techniques.
The introduction of the electro-mechanical gyrocompass relegated the magnetic compass to backup status for many large vessels. Later came the development of inertial navigation systems based on gyroscopic principles. The interruption of electrical power to the gyrocompass or inertial navigator, mechanical failure, or its physical destruction would instantly elevate the magnetic compass to primary status for most vessels.
New technologies are both refining and replacing the magnetic compass as a heading reference and navigational tool. Although a magnetic compass for backup is certainly advisable, today’s navigator can safely avoid nearly all of the effort and expense associated with the binnacle- mounted magnetic compass, its compensation, adjustment,
and maintenance.
Similarly,   electro-mechanical   gyrocompasses   are being supplanted by far lighter, cheaper, and more dependable ring laser gyrocompasses. These devices do not operate on the principle of the gyroscope (which is based on Newton’s laws of motion), but instead rely on the principles of electromagnetic energy and wave theory.
Magnetic flux gate compasses, while relying on the earth’magnetifielfor referencehavnmoving parts and can compensate themselves, adjusting for both deviation and variation to provide true heading, thus completely eliminating the process of compass correction.
To the extent that one depends on the magnetic compass for navigation, it should be checked regularly and adjusted when observed errors exceed certain minimal limits, usually a few degrees for most vessels. Compensation of a magnetic compass aboard vessels expected to rely on it offshore during long voyages is best left to professionals. However, this chapter will present enough material for the competent navigator to do a passable job.
Whatever type of compass is used, it is advisable to check it periodically against an error free reference to determine its error. This may be done when steering along any range during harbor and approach navigation, or by aligning any two charted objects and finding the difference between their observed and charted bearings. When navigating offshore, the use of azimuths and amplitudes of celestial bodies will also suffice.
The Magnetic Compass and Magnetism
The principle of the present day magnetic compass is no different from that of the compasses used by ancient mariners. The magnetic compass consists of a magnetized needle, or an array of needles, allowed to rotate in the horizontal plane. The superiority of present day magnetic compasses over ancient ones results from a better knowledge of the laws of magnetism which govern the behavior of the compass and from greater precision in design and construction.
Any magnetized piece of metal will have regions of concentrated magnetism called poles. Any such magnet will have at least two poles of opposite polarity. Magnetic force (flux) lines connect one pole of such a magnet with the other pole. The number of such lines per unit area represents the intensity of the magnetic field in that area.
If two magnets are placed close to each other, the like poles will repel each other and the unlike poles will attract each other.
Magnetism can be either permanent or induced. A  bar having permanent magnetism will retain its magnetism when it is removed from a magnetizing field. A bar having induced magnetism will lose its magnetism when removed from the magnetizing field. Whether or not a bar will retain its magnetism on removal from the magnetizing field will depend on the strength of that field, the degree of hardness of the iron (retentivity), and upon the amount of physical stress applied to the bar while in the magnetizing field. The harder the iron, the more permanent will be the magnetism acquired.
Terrestrial Magnetism
Consider the Earth as a huge magnet surrounded by lines of magnetic flux connecting its two magnetic poles. These magnetic poles are near, but not coincidental with, the Earth’s geographic poles. Since the north seeking end of a compass needle is conventionally called the north pole, or positive pole, it must therefore be attracted to a south pole, or negative pole.
Figure 602a illustrates the Earth and its surrounding magnetic field. The flux lines enter the surface of the Earth at different angles to the horizontal at different magnetic latitudes. This angle is called the angle of magnetic dip,
, and increases from 0  at the magnetic equator to 90  at the magnetic poles. The total magnetic field is generally considered as having two components: H, the horizontal component; and Z, the vertical component. These components change as the angle    changes, such that H is at its maximum at the magnetic equator and decreases in the direction of either pole, while Z is zero at the magnetic equator and increases in the direction of either pole.
Since the magnetic poles of the Earth do not coincide with the geographic poles, a compass needle in line with the Earth’s magnetic field will not indicate true north, but magnetic north. The angular difference between the true meridian (great circle connecting the geographic poles) and the magnetic meridian (direction of the lines of magnetic flux) is called variation. This variation has different values at different locations on the Earth. These values of magnetic variation may be found on pilot charts and on the compass rose of navigational charts.
The poles are not geographically static. They are known to migrate slowly, so that variation for most areas undergoes a small annual change, the amount of which is also noted on charts. Figure 602b and Figure 602c show magnetic dip and variation for the world. Up-to-date information on geomag- netics is available at
 Ship’s Magnetism
A ship under construction or repair will acquire permanent magnetism due to hammering and vibration while sitting stationary in the Earth’s magnetic field. After launching, the ship will lose some of this original magnetism as a result of vibration and pounding in varying magnetic fields, and will eventually reach a more or less stable magnetic condition. The magnetism which remains is the permanent magnetism of the ship.

In addition to its permanent magnetism, a ship acquires induced magnetism when placed in the Earth’s magnetic field. The magnetism induced in any given piece of soft iron is a function of the field intensity, the alignment of the soft iron in that field, and the physical properties and dimensions of the iron. This induced magnetism may add to, or subtract from, the permanent magnetism already present in the ship, depending on how the ship is aligned in the magnetic field. The softer the iron, the more readily it will be magnetized by the Earth’s magnetic field, and the more readily it will give up its magnetism when removed from that field.
The magnetism in the various structures of a ship, which tends to change as a result of cruising, vibration, or aging, but which does not alter immediately so as to be properly termed induced magnetism, is called subpermanent magnetism. This magnetism, at any instant, is part of the ship’s permanent magnetism, and consequently must be corrected by permanent magnet correctors. It is the principal cause of deviation changes on a magnetic compass. Subsequent reference to permanent magnetism will refer to the apparent permanent magnetism which includes the existing permanent and subpermanent magnetism.
A ship, then, has a combination of permanent, subpermanent, and induced magnetism. Therefore, the ship’s
Magnetic dip for the world

Magnetic variation for the world
apparent permanent magnetic condition is subject to change from deperming, shocks, welding, and vibration. The ship’s induced magnetism will vary with the Earth’s magnetic field strength and with the alignment of the ship in that field.
604. Magnetic Adjustment
A narrow rod of soft iron, placed parallel to the Earth’s horizontal magnetic field, H, will have a north pole induced in the end toward the north geographic pole and a south pole induced in the end toward the south geographic pole. This same rod in a horizontal plane, but at right angles to the horizontal Earth’s field, would have no magnetism induced in it, because its alignment in the magnetic field precludes linear magnetization, if the rod is of negligible cross section. Should the rod be aligned in some horizontal direction between those headings which create maximum and zero induction, it would be induced by an amount which is a function of the angle of alignment. However, if a similar rod is placed in a vertical position in northern latitudes so as to be aligned with the vertical Earth’s field Z, it will have a south pole induced at the upper end and a north pole induced at the lower end. These polarities of vertical induced magnetization will be reversed in southern latitudes.
The amount of horizontal or vertical induction in such rods, or in ships whose construction is equivalent to combinations of such rods, will vary with the intensity of H and Z, heading, and heel of the ship.
The magnetic compass must be corrected for the vessel’s permanent and induced magnetism so that its operation approximates that of a completely nonmagnetic vessel. Ship’s magnetic conditions create magnetic compass deviations and sectors of sluggishness and unsteadiness. Deviation is defined as deflection right or left of the magnetic meridian caused by magnetic properties of the vessel. Adjusting the compass consists of arranging magnetic and soft iron correctors near the compass so that their effects are equal and opposite to the effects of the magnetic material in the ship.
The total permanent magnetic field effect at the compass may be broken into three components, mutually 90  to each other, as shown in Figure 604a.
The vertical permanent component tilts the compass card, and, when the ship rolls or pitches, causes oscillating deflections of the card. Oscillation effects which accompa- ny roll are maximum on north and south compass headings, and those which accompany pitch are maximum on east and west compass headings.
The horizontal B and C components of permanent mag- netism cause varying deviations of the compass as the ship swings in heading on an even keel. Plotting these deviations against compass heading yields the sine and cosine curves shown in Figure 604b. These deviation curves are called semicircular curves because they reverse direction by 180 .
A vector analysis is helpful in determining deviations or the strength of deviating fields. For example, a ship as shown in Figure 604c on an east magnetic heading will subject its compass to a combination of magnetic effects; namely, the Earth’s horizontal field H, and the deviating field B, at right angles to the field H. The compass needle will align itself in the resultant field which is represented by the vector sum of H and B, as shown. A similar analysis will reveal that the resulting directive force on the compass would be maximum on a north heading and minimum on a south heading because the deviations for both conditions are  zero.  The magnitude of the deviation caused by the permanent B magnetic field will vary with different values of H; hence, deviations resulting from permanent magnetic fields will vary with the magnetic latitude of the ship.
 Components of permanent magnetic field
Permanent magnetic deviation effects.
General force diagram.
Effects of Induced Magnetism
Induced magnetism varies with the strength of the surrounding field, the mass of metal, and the alignment of the metal in the field. Since the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field varies over the Earth’s surface, the induced magnetism in a ship will vary with latitude, heading, and heeling angle.
With the ship on an even keel, the resultant vertical induced magnetism, if not directed through the compass itself, will create deviations which plot as a semicircular deviation curve. This is true because the vertical induction changes magnitude and polarity only with magnetic latitude and heel, and not with heading of the ship. Therefore, as long as the ship is in the same magnetic latitude, its vertical induced pole swinging about the compass will produce the same effect on the compass as a permanent pole swinging about the compass.
The Earth’s field induction in certain other unsymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron create a constant A devia- tion curve. In addition to this magnetic A error, there are constant A deviations resulting from: (1) physical misalign- ments of the compass, pelorus, or gyro; (2) errors in calculating the Sun’s azimuth, observing time, or taking bearings.
The nature, magnitude, and polarity of these induced effects are dependent upon the disposition of metal, the symmetry or asymmetry of the ship, the location of the bin- nacle, the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field, and the angle of dip.
Certain heeling errors, in addition to those resulting from permanent magnetism, are created by the presence of both horizontal and vertical soft iron which experience changing induction as the ship rolls in the Earth’s magnetic field. This part of the heeling error will change in magni- tude proportional to changes of magnetic latitude of the ship. Oscillation effects associated with rolling are maxi- mum on north and south headings, just as with the permanent magnetic heeling errors
Adjustments and Correctors
Since some magnetic effects are functions of the ves- sel’s magnetic latitude and others are not, each individual effect should be corrected independently. Furthermore, to make the corrections, we use (1) permanent magnet correc- tors to compensate for permanent magnetic fields at the compass, and (2) soft iron correctors to compensate for in- duced magnetism. The compass binnacle provides support for both the compass and its correctors. Typical large ship binnacles hold the following correctors:
1.  Vertical permanent heeling magnet in the central vertical tube
2.  Fore-and-aft B permanent magnets in their trays
3.  Athwartship C permanent magnets in their trays
4.  Vertical soft iron Flinders bar in its external tube
5.  Soft iron quadrantal spheres
The heeling magnet is the only corrector which cor- rects for both permanent and induced effects. Therefore, it may need to be adjusted for changes in latitude if a vessel permanently changes its normal operating area. However, any movement of the heeling magnet will require readjust- ment of other correctors.
Fairly sophisticated magnetic compasses used on smaller commercial craft, larger yachts, and fishing vessels, may not have soft iron correctors or B and C permanent magnets. These compasses are adjusted by rotating mag- nets located inside the base of the unit, adjustable by small screws on the outside. A non-magnetic screwdriver is nec- essary to adjust these compasses. Occasionally one may find a permanent magnet corrector mounted near the com- pass, placed during the initial installation so as to remove a large, constant deviation before final adjustments are made. Normally, this remains in place for the life of the vessel.
Figure 606 summarizes all the various magnetic condi- tions in a ship, the types of deviation curves they create, the correctors for each effect, and headings on which each cor- rector is adjusted. When adjusting the compass, always apply the correctors symmetrically and as far away from the compass as possible. This preserves the uniformity of mag- netic fields about the compass needle.
Occasionally, the permanent magnetic effects at the lo- cation of the compass are so large that they overcome the Earth’s directive force, H. This condition will not only create sluggish and unsteady sectors, but may even freeze the com- pass to one reading or to one quadrant, regardless of the heading of the ship. Should the compass become so frozen, the polarity of the magnetism which must be attracting the compass needles is indicated; hence, correction may be ef- fected  simply  by  the  application  of  permanent  magnetcorrectors to neutralize this magnetism. Whenever such ad- justments are made, the ship should be steered on a heading such that the unfreezing of the compass needles will be im- mediately evident. For example, a ship whose compass is frozen to a north reading would require fore-and-aft B cor- rector magnets with the positive ends forward in order to neutralize the existing negative pole which attracted the com- pass. If made on an east heading, such an adjustment would be evident when the compass card was freed to indicate an east heading.
Another source of transient deviation is the retentive error. This error results from the tendency of a ship’s structure to retain induced magnetic effects for short periods of time. For example, a ship traveling north for several days, especially if pounding in heavy seas, will tend to retain some fore-and-aft magnetism induced under these conditions. Although this effect is transient, it may cause slightly incorrect observations or adjustments. This same type of error occurs when ships are docked on one heading for long periods of time. A short shakedown, with the ship on other headings, will tend to remove such errors. A similar sort of residual magnetism is left in many ships if the degaussing circuits are not secured by the correct reversal sequence.
A source of transient deviation somewhat shorter in duration than retentive error is known as Gaussin error. This error is caused by eddy currents set up by a changing number of magnetic lines of force through soft iron as the ship changes heading. Due to these eddy currents, the induced magnetism on a given heading does not arrive at its normal value until about 2 minutes after changing course.
Deperming and other magnetic treatment will change the magnetic condition of the vessel and therefore require compass readjustment. The decaying effects of deperming can vary. Therefore, it is best to delay readjustment for sev- eral days after such treatment. Since the magnetic fields used for such treatments are sometimes rather large at the compass locations, the Flinders bar, compass, and related equipment should be removed from the ship during these operations.

Type deviation curve
headings of maximum deviation
Causes of such errors
Correctors for such errors
Magnetic or compass headings on which to apply correctors
Same on all.
Human-error in calculations _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ Physical-compass, gyro, pelorus alignment _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ Magnetic-unsymmetrical arrangements of horiz. soft iron.
Check methods and calculations
Check alignments
Rare arrangement of soft iron rods.
sin   .
Fore-and-aft component of permanent magnetic field _  _  _  _  _ Induced magnetism in unsymmetrical vertical iron forward or   aft of compass.
Fore-and-aft B magnets
090˚ or 270˚.
cos   .
Athwartship component of permanent magnetic field- - - - - - - Induced magnetism in unsymmetrical vertical iron port or starboard of compass.
Athwartship C magnets
000˚ or 180˚.
sin  .
Induced magnetism in all symmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron.
Spheres on appropriate axis. (athwartship for +D)
(fore and aft for -D)
See sketch a
045˚, 135˚, 225˚, or 315˚.
cos  .
Induced magnetism in all unsymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron.
Spheres on appropriate axis. (port fwd.-stb’d for +E) (stb’d fwd.-port aft for -E) See sketch b
000˚, 090˚, 180˚, or 270˚.
Oscillations with roll or pitch.
Deviations with constant list.
000˚  }roll
090˚    }pitch
Change in the horizontal component of the induced or permanent magnetic fields at the compass due to rolling or pitching of the ship.
Heeling  magnet  (must  be  readjusted  for latitude changes).
090˚ or 270˚ with dip needle.
 Sources of Transient Error
The ship must be in seagoing trim and condition to properly compensate a magnetic compass. Any movement of large metal objects or the energizing of any electrical equipment in the vicinity of the compass can cause errors. If in doubt about the effect of any such changes, temporarily move the gear or cycle power to the equipment while observing the compass card while on a steady heading. Preferably this should be done on two different headings 90  apart, since the compass might be affected on one heading and not on another.
Some magnetic items which cause deviations if placed too close to the compass are as follows:
1.  Movable guns or weapon loads
2.  Magnetic cargo
3.  Hoisting booms
4.  Cable reels
5.  Metal doors in wheelhouse
6.  Chart table drawers
7.  Movable gyro repeater
8.  Windows and ports
9.  Signal pistols racked near compass
10. Sound powered telephones
11. Magnetic wheel or rudder mechanism
12. Knives or tools near binnacle
13. Watches, wrist bands, spectacle frames
14. Hat grommets, belt buckles, metal pencils
15. Heating of smoke stack or exhaust pipes
16. Landing craft
Some electrical items which cause variable deviations if placed too close to the compass are:
1.  Electric motors
2.  Magnetic controllers
3.  Gyro repeaters
4.  Nonmarried conductors
5.  Loudspeakers
6.  Electric indicators
7.  Electric welding
8.  Large power circuits
  9.  Searchlights or flashlights
10. Electrical control panels or switches
11. Telephone headsets
12. Windshield wipers
13. Rudder position indicators, solenoid type
14. Minesweeping power circuits
15. Engine order telegraphs
16. Radar equipment
17. Magnetically controlled switches
18. Radio transmitters
19. Radio receivers

       20. Voltage regulators

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